The “ex-president will receive medical assistance for his medical.Ram Baran Yadav, a physician-turned-politician who rose to be the first president of the country when Nepal turned into a Republic in May 2008. The cabinet has decided to bear entire expenses for his treatment of prostrate cancer in the United States and released Rs six million as the initial installment in addition to ‘to and fro’ travel allowance for three attendants and daily subsistence allowances. He was diagnosed with the ailment recently in PGI, Chandigarh – Dr Yadav did his MD from here in the 80s – with full expenses borne by the Government of India, but it is not known whether the PGI suggested further treatment in the US. Dr Yadav will be going to Henry Ford Cancer Hospital in the US.
Doctors in Nepal are unhappy over a large number of Nepali leaders going abroad for specialised treatment ‘undermining the expertise and efficiency at home.’ “What upsets us is the fact that none of these elites bother to have the mandatory recommendations of experts when they decide to go abroad for medical treatment,” a senior doctor working in a well equipped hospital here told ENS pleading anonymity.
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