This many not be the case for all but many old people go through this and it is a very tragic thing. Old people are treated like servants and are hated just because they can not do anything and earn money. A new social experiment has been uploaded on YouTube channel called Funk You. The title of the social experiment is ‘Abusing Grandma in Public’. In the video a young guy walks with his grand mother to the markets. There he is just chilling and walking but his grand mother is carrying heavy bags and when she is not able to carry it she scolds her. He even uses hands gestures and tries to beat her. He says that he feeds her and she should work or he will k!ck her out of the house.
Many people !gnore the fact and just stare. Some do not even care. But some people speak out for the old lady and scold the boy. They say that he does not have any right to say that and one of the man even says that he will feed his grand mother if he wants and he does not have to pay for it.
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