No, we are not kidding you. At all. There is actually a bull that is so rich that he earns his owner millions each year just through his semen! How is it possible, you ask? Well, it is possible if you are a Murrah bull. Yuvraj is a bull of the Murrah breed and this one of the most famous bull specimens. Murrah breed is one of the highest yielding specimens of the domesticated animal and the bull along with the cow of this breed give high quality semen along with multiple litres of milk each day. Yuvraj, the bull, has been crowned the ‘Champion Bull’ or star bull at multiple cattle shows across India and till date villagers throng around to see this masculine specimen of a bull.uvraj the bull was named after Yuvraj Singh, the cricketer as the owner Karamvir Singh was a big fan. Karamvir has also named Yuvraj’s parents after Yuvraj Singh’s parents: Yograj and Ganga. The bull is Karamvir’s cash cow – so much so that he has offers from other dairy owners from all over the country offering him as high as 9 crores for the bull! However, Karamvir is in no mood to sell – why would he sell his hen that lays the golden egg or rather, golden semen in this case? Karamvir Singh and the bull belong to Sunarion village in Kurukshetra, Haryana and tour all of India with the bull for competitions.
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